Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Discussions on TIME-1

Assalamu alaikum, again, Sister Julie,

Thank you for your understanding my toughness. InshaAllah, by criticizing straight i think it shocks people and thus helps them to realize the difference we get from the teachings of the Qur'an via Risale-i Nur, which always revolutionizes my ideas in matters related to belief.

As to the editing the article, it is not that urgent, feel free and do it whenever you have time to concentrate on TIME.

I shared this article with a friend of mine and the result was this. No one on earth can tell even the exact time of the day, all we do is approximation.

- What time is it now?

- It is 10:21:00.

- Not really, Why?

- As soon as you tell me the time it is over. We are in a new creation, in a new time! This fact is told in the Qur'an with this verse: ''Kulla yawnin Huwa fi sha'n." "Every moment He manifests Himself in yet another way." Rahman, 55: 29.

This Qur'an is really the Word of the Owner of this universe! It is impossible not to prostrate before the Truth it reveals. So wonderful, so miraculous, al-hamdulillah!

May Allah be pleased with Said Nursi; because of his painstaking endeavor that we are now very comfortable with reading the Qur'an.



that the Quran states this notion of "time" is nothing less than miraculous. i had no idea it was in the Quran until you wrote and told me this.
before i begin to look at this article, i will leave you with this thought which i had immediately after reading your words below:

No one on earth can tell even the exact time of the day, all we do is approximation.

- What time is it now?

- It is 10:21:00.

- Not really, Why?

- As soon as you tell me the time it is over. We are in a new creation, in a new time!

so, ok..let me explain as best i can. i understand completely about not ever being able to know the exact time since the moment we say a time, that moment is over, it's gone, in the past and what is past no longer exists...but here's my enigma. it involves the concept of the word "now"...what does "now" really mean? WHEN exactly is "now"? if we can't know the time of "now" because every moment we tell a time, it disappears into the past, then how can we know "now"? is there even a "now" to know? "now" more like time itself in that the moment we are aware of "now", it too is over having disappeared into the past?

so in truth, doesn't this mean there's no such thing as now since, like time, "now" is also gone having disappeared into the past the moment we recognize or acknowledge it? and doesn't this also necessarily mean that everything is in a constant, perpetual state of creation, and that there is nothing else but creation being created??!! there is no such thing as reality because everything is always becoming something new!

AND....IF what i've said is in fact truth..that then takes me to the next obvious question which is:
with respect to time, if "now" does not exist...then what does exist concerning "time"?
i do not know the answer to this.

to reiterate, basically what i've said above is.......this means there is no such thing as time, including the moment of now. what we know and think of as time and the moment of "now" is only a human's attempt at grasping the definition of creation, and since creation is what Allah does, we can't comprehend it in its we can only approximate when it comes to time and we can see only reflections when it comes to created beings and we can come only nearer to Allah, but we can never fully explain, see or know Allah since our human-ness is too small compared to Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Infinite Allah.

in fact, going further...somehow (i think, i'm not sure) this must relate to a particular concept of quantum physics in that the tiniest particles known can't even be seen or measured...they "exist" merely and only as possibilities. just when, where and how these tiniest particles actually manifest in the physical realm is even more mind boggling, and i get lost in confusion at this point. but i do know one thing, everything relates to everything must because there is "order" in creation. but i just don't always know how, when or where...i can't map out the connections, they are too infinitely complex and intricate. but we know Allah knows!

hahahaha...the more i delve into my mind thinking about all of this the more lost i am getting, so i leave you with my thoughts now as i venture to plunge headlong into your article of TIME...i'm so curious, excited and inspired i can't wait!!!! here i go! i'll resurface when the time is pun intended. :-)


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